Looking for Agent or Representative in goborone Botswana to sell our product as agent or dealer or distributor.
We FusionTech International (india), and ISO 9001:2015 & CE Certified company looking for agent, hiring representative in Botswana. The Company formed in 2011 and have wide range of product for various industries; we cater customized range of product for respective industries. interested Trading companies, person should send their interest proposal with their detailed work history and their expertise industrial background information on exports@fusiontechintl.com.
Any Individual or Dealer or Trading Company or Agency can apply for the representation with following details;
Ø Name of The company
Ø Address of the company
Ø Company email
Ø Company website
Ø Company's Contact Number
Ø Name of the contact person
Ø Designation of the applied person
Ø Email
Ø Mobile Number
Ø Skype
Ø Industries you are dealing in:
We look forward to hearing from you with your shown interest. Once your agency selected, you will be getting a comprehensive contact to sell our machinery, spare parts and ancillaries in your country with handsome commission
#LookingforAgent #goborone #Botswana
To learn more about us pls refer to our web: www.fusiontechintl.com
Hardik Gohel
Mobile #+91 8128 986 711
E-mail: exports@fusiontechintl.com
Web: www.fusiontechintl.com